Our local political representatives
Councillor Coyne can be contacted by e-mailing him at membersservices@clacks.gov.uk or by telephoning him on 07814 173958.
Contact: Dennis Coyne Phone: 01259 452250 / 07854 376 253 Email: dcoyne@clacks.gov.uk
Councillor Martin can be contacted by e-mailing her at membersservices@clacks.gov.uk or by telephoning her on 07854 376253.
Contact: Kathleen Martin Phone: 01259 452250 / 07854 376253 Email: kmartin@clacks.gov.uk
As well as representing the Clackmannanshire East ward, Councillor Harrison is also spokesperson for Sports, Leisure and Active Living.
Contact: Scott Harrison Phone: 01259 452253 / 07811 069 456 Email: sharrison@clacks.gov.uk